San Rocco

H0, Italian, 12 by 0.5 foot


Morning train    Local train    Goods train

Panoramas    Track Plan

Under construction

Back ground


 San Rocco

St. Gervais

Llyfni Quay

The imaginary Società Anonima Tramvia Val de Boesio (Boesio Valley Tramway Ltd) is a 4 Km long rural tramway from a junction with the Ferrovie Nord Milano at San Biagio [Cittiglio] to San Rocco [Cuveglio]. Passenger services including a though coach from the Ferrovie Nord Milano [Milan Northern Railway]. Parcels are handled by passenger trains. The tram serves the valley's industries, agriculture, and quarrying. The layout is set in the 1960's with operation by Automotore Diesel.

San Roco station and Torcitura Della Valcuvia

he station building based on Gaiola.
The goods yard with goods shed and loading dock.
Torcitura Della Valcuvia is a yarn spinning company in central Cuveglio
The loading bay with open door

The morning train

Arrives on scene and stops at the station

Drops off coal wagons at the spur and runs round the forgon and inbound wagon

Collects the Milan Northern Railway coach from the carriage shed
and outbound van from
Torcitura Della Valcuvia

Leave the outbound train at the platform and parks the inbound van at
Torcitura Della Valcuvia
The trains leaves for
San Biagio

Local train
The local train comes on scene and stops at the platform

The train back to the loop, runs round, and returns the coaches to the platform
The out bound van is collected and added to the coaches

Next the forgon is added to the train and the inbound van parked and the existing van returned to its parking place

The local departs

Goods train

The goods comes on scene and stops at the station

Wagons are picked up from the goods shed & loading dock, run round,
 and inbound wagons parked at the goods shed & loading dock
A van and two coal wagons, left by the Morning train are propelled down the spur
The loco and forgon return with a wagon of stone.

Coupling up the wagon of stone and running round

The outbound at the platform and on its way


Layout under construction
The building are only there for planning purposes
The lower photos show the start of the buildings to be used.


The factory has been moved next to the station.


The planned factory has been replaced with a carriage shed. The building needs veneering and painting.
A carriage shed on a siding to a factory is unusual but happened at Lydney Town

Fiddle Yard