Saint-Jude les Mines

H0, SNCF (French), 24 by 1.5 foot

East    West    Railcar   
Cattle    Coal

Station    Viaduct    Panoramas of the layout

Local firms

    Sable de St Jude    Etablissements Rene Dumont    
Controle Technique St Jude

Briqueteries du Nord    Brickwork    Brickwork's tramway 


Pont d'Eaulne

St Martin lG



Pont du la Slack


Saint-Jude les Mines a minor station on a French secondaires (in British terms a light railway) operated by the SNCF.
There are several rail served industries.

St Jude les Mine before modification

Because of a change of car
Saint-Jude les Mines has had to be modified from two eight foot 
scenic boards to four four foot scenic boards with two four foot fiddle yards boards in both cases.
Changes include replacing
Calcaire de St Jude with hard standing as its point was on a new joint.
The viaduct was cut out of its board so
Briqueteries du Nord, Etablissements Rene Dumont and
 Controle Technique St Jude had to go to on a new board. This allowed a new cross over hopefully
making the new layout more interesting to watch and operate, it also adds a minor branch.
Unfortunately the brickwork's
automatic narrow gauge railway had to become static.

An East Bound Mixed Train


A West Bound Mixed Train


Connecting with the east bound mixed

Cattle Train

Cattle and coal trains pass

Coal train




Sable de St Jude
(Sand Loader)

Etablissements Rene Dumont

Controle Technique St Jude

Briqueteries du Nord


Brickworks narrow gauge railway to mine


Panoramas of the layout




Industries & junction