
00, Southern Railway, 12 by 1 foot


The article sent to the railway modeller with the addition of research about Mere's industries Text.

The article about Mere was submitted to Railway Modeller a year ago and since there have been problems with the u-turn board. The u-turn board has been replaced for financial reasons with a straight board  - I had most of the materials in stock. This has changed Mere from a 6 foot by 4' layout to a 12 foot by 1 foot layout. A photo of the original configuration

Mere Station                                                       Edge Bridge Siding                                                           Track plan

Mere Station


Edge Bridge Siding & spur to Charnage Down Quarry   

The much reduced mill pond

The Hill Brush Company at the back with
F. E. Beaumont Ltd's loading dock at the front

The weighbridge

Track plan

Mere prior to its rebuild